Aerial Animation, encompasses a performance concept, a company, and a series of specific performance vignettes that follow in the footsteps of Buster Keaton.
Aerial Animation is contemporary illustration of circus aimed at sharing relatable adventures of overcoming life's challenges; where the seemingly improbable becomes believable and the impossible becomes achievable. A modern twist on silent films, Aerial Animation's original stories completed through the semifinals on America’s Got Talent and La a un Incroyable Talent of France with six internationally broadcasted performances. Suspended mid-air, the company's founder, Abigail Baird becomes puppet-like, performing aerial acrobatics in front of a giant, animated story in which she resiliently face adversity. Today Aerial Animation is elaborating on the original concept by by building interactive cause-and-effect relationships between projected animations, puppets, physical theater, and aerial acrobatics using projection mapping and live-cue software. Aerial Animation's performance is a catalyst for expansive thinking and leaves the audience inspired to push the boundaries of possibility. Aerial Animation creates stories like no other story; yet they are everyone’s story. |