The original stop-motion animated footage of Aerial Animation
In 2008, Abigail Baird adapted a puppetry technique known as Crankie Theater to produce the first Aerial Animation footage.
She hand-drew the entire story using Sharpie on clear vinyl sheets, then took a series of photographs to create a stop-motion animated film. This film was projected onto a bedsheet hung behind an aerial sling she rigged at the Wise Fool studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This beta test became the outline for the original 2D digitally animated story,
which was illustrated by Aerial Animation’s original animator, Matt Melis.
She hand-drew the entire story using Sharpie on clear vinyl sheets, then took a series of photographs to create a stop-motion animated film. This film was projected onto a bedsheet hung behind an aerial sling she rigged at the Wise Fool studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This beta test became the outline for the original 2D digitally animated story,
which was illustrated by Aerial Animation’s original animator, Matt Melis.